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The certification

We are initiating change across multiple industries, ensuring that profits are equitably shared.

EQUAL PROFIT means that you support every step of the production process, from farm to fork.
By choosing EQUAL PROFIT certified products, you ensure that everyone gets their equitable share
from your purchase, and can sustainably support themselves, their family and  their business.


logo equal profit vert

Food & Beverages

logo equal profit bleu

Textile & clothing

logo equal profit jaune

Metals & precious stones


• The circle symbolizes the Earth.

• The mathematical integral symbol represents the active participation of all the supply chain actors.
• The two integral symbols have been shifted horizontally to represent the equal sign.


globe terrestre bio
Organic Products

The majority of the products is certified according to the E.U. law on organic production. We support those who are not yet in the certification process.

chaine de produits bio tracable

Products or component of products are traceable along the supply chain.

trois acteurs engages

All the supply chain actors are involved in the different implementation phases of the Equal Profit certification.

loupe oeil transparent

All the supply chain actors are involved in the different implementation phases of the Equal Profit certification.

poignée de mains transaction

Payments to every actor of the supply chain are verifiable.

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